Web Marketing 3.0! Risorse da sfruttare al meglio!

Written by Super User on . Posted in Web Marketing

Sappiamo tutti che il passaparola è la migliore pubblicità possibile, non costa “quasi” nulla e da il maggior rapporto di conversione. viral-marketing-turistico
Perché allora non approfittarne e sfruttarlo al meglio, perché visto i risultati che può portare non farlo rientrare nelle nostre strategie, come vero e proprio strumento di web marketing?

Oggi il passaparola ha un potere esponenziale, e si avvale di innumerevoli se non infiniti canali (e con la nascita di sempre nuovi), non è più un rapporto “1 a 1” tra due persone è un rapporto “1 a molti”.

Tourism Web Marketing

Written by Super User on . Posted in Web Marketing

Tourism Web Marketing, is one of the fastest growing online sectors with the highest rate of development. Whether it is related to a Hotel, a Restaurant, a Campsite or a territorial web portal, there is always a lot of effort and work needed as long as passion, professionality and a genuine interest for the regular updates launched every day in the world of IT.

For the needs of today's Online Marketing it is no longer enough that hotels present themselves on the Internet with a mere site. It is in fact essential that the site meets particular layout, technical, functional, structural and strategic characteristics. For this reason the development of the site is now the tip of the iceberg of a whole strategic online marketing & communication project.

The tourism market is one of the most competitive on the web, and planning strategies and campaigns in a precise way is crucial to achieve important goals.

The numerous channels that are involved in the web marketing projects need to be organized and managed with professionalism, to ensure their effectiveness. Tools are constantly evolving and it is important to follow the trends and innovations in order to stay up-to-date.

The evolution of internet tools allows the rise of new opportunities, that must be taken into consideration and applied to the different phases of a tourism web marketing plan.

We at www.andreafranzoso.com are pushing the optimization of resources to get the best output. That includes social networking, and trying to involve the clients themselves,making them play an important role in webmarketing plans of the hotels..

In conclusion, our goals are

  • optimize the resources
  • apitalize all available online channels 
  • make the activity on Social Networks the most efficient and viral possible
  • user engagement 
  • provide the necessary know how to get the most out of the internet and its channels

Contact us to receive further information, we will be glad to analyze the strategy that best suits you and your clients and to evaluate the next steps for your satisfaction.

On-line marketing plan

Written by Super User on . Posted in Web Marketing

Online best practices follow some rules, just like all other marketing activities, not too different from the traditional ones (at the analysis outline level). What is different is basically the tools used and the platform.

We first need to ask ourselves some basic questions: 

1. What’s my goal?
2. Who’s my reference target?
3. What is the deadline of the targets I want to achieve?
4. What are my strategies in order to reach my goals?
5. Result Analyses, have I reached my goals? yes/no/why?